HTC Vive has arrived

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Amazing night last night! #HTCVive setup, working and absolutely smashed! Before it arrived i’d installed 30+ games, but in 7 hours of gameplay we’d only managed a handful of them.

Turns out Dave is a ninja with a crossbow, but absolutely useless with a putter! To be fair it was one o’clock in the morning by then!

Loads more games to play this evening, but time for some game development this afternoon.

I’m determined to get the controllers and headset working in game this weekend, I have invested a lot of hours into the development and at this stage I’m not sure how fun the concept will be!

I’m still considering game names, but I’m going with “Ping Pong Arcade Classics” for the time being at least. As soon as I have it working in the #VR environment I will start to share details, screenshots etc… in a bid to gain momentum towards the Steam Greenlight process! For the mean time draw some theory’s based on some of the artwork on the site.


Site up!

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Welcome to

Its been a busy month, but we’ve finally found some time to get a website up. Many improvements to come, but need a place to start blogging and hopefully create a little interest into our first venture into VR games!

Thanks for reading,
